
Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal cavity, after a reaction to an allergic agent.


Urgency level 3


Danger level 2


Common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are sneezing and nasal discharge, which is usually serous and clear. In more severe cases the discharge can contain traces of blood. The overall health of the dog is usually not affected.


Many dogs show allergic reactions to dust and dust mites. Food particles or ingredients can also trigger allergic reactions. If these reactions appear to be seasonal, pollen or plant material may likely be the underlying cause. Less common agents are paints, varnishes, new carpets or detergents.


Many allergies are only short-lived and symptoms wane after a few days. If symptoms persist over a longer period of time, treatment with antiallergic drugs is often necessary. Allergic agents in the dog’s environment should be identified and removed if harmful. Hyperallergic treatment may also prove effective. Unfortunately, the procedure is very expensive and results can vary.

Emergency measures

As with all allergies, avoiding contact with the allergen is the most effective treatment. In case of food allergies a simple change in diet can bring relief. While avoiding pollen, dust or dust mites, is nearly impossible, changing your dogs bedding, or choosing a sleeping area someplace else in- or outside the house is sometimes helpful. During the peak pollen allergy months, usually in April and May, walking the dog very early or late in the evening can show improvement.

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